Making Resilience Cool

por Audrey Luu

Making Resilience Cool is a podcast brought to you by the US Resiliency Council, based on the 12-episode Resilience Advantage series created by the USRC with the generous support of Optimum Seismic. This podcast targets students, young engineers and anyone who wants to learn more about how they can contribute to and be leaders in the movement to make our buildings and communities more resilient to natural disasters like earthqu ...   ...  Leer más

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Wrapping it up!

    Wrapping it up!

    It’s time to wrap up this podcast series with our final guest, the man himself, Evan Reis - co-founder and Executive Director of the USRC! In this episode, I had the opportunity to interview Evan about his background and his strides in making USRC what it has become today.

  • Taking It to the Next Level

    Taking It to the Next Level

    Ryan Kersting, a licensed structural engineer in California walks us through his thoughts on next level recovery. What does it entail? How can we achieve it? Is it worth it? Join us in episode 20 of Making Resilience Cool to see what it is all about!

  • Making Resilience Cool - Episode 19 - Resilience is the Best Medicine

    Making Resilience Cool - Episode 19 - Resilience is the Best Medicine

    In episode 19, Dr. Sharyl Rabinovici, an expert in disaster policy, walks us through her experiences educating people and communities about how to adopt good resilience practices. Her objective is to communicate that “prevention is the best medicine!”

  • Making Resilience Cool - Episode 18 - Resilience is Gold

    Making Resilience Cool - Episode 18 - Resilience is Gold

    In this episode of Making Resilience Cool, we dive into resilient design of the Portland Treasury Building with Byron Williams, the chief administrative director at the Oregon State Treasury, Craig Stockbridge, a principal with GBD Architects, and Reid Zimmerman, the technical director for KPFF in Oregon.

  • Making Resilience Cool - Episode 17 - Innovation that Excites

    Making Resilience Cool - Episode 17 - Innovation that Excites

    Alan Klembczyk, Kyle Wilson, Blake Roskelley, Brandt Saxey, and Jeff Ellis come together in this episode to showcase the boom in innovative products within the field of structural engineering.