Unfiltered Extra

por Unfiltered Media

The Unfiltered Extra podcast with host Joe Warner is where inquisitive minds go to meet the most respected, decorated and controversial experts in health, fitness, nutrition and performance to get the life-changing advice they need to #LiveSmarter. Visit unfilteredonline.com for more.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Luka Hocevar: The elite trainer on the positive power of coaching and how you can unleash your potential

    Luka Hocevar: The elite trainer on the positive power of coaching and how you can unleash your potential

    In the ultra-competitive health and fitness arena, few stories are as inspiring as that of Luka Hocevar. In this exclusive Unfiltered conversation you don’t just get 20 years of professional insights on the power of coaching and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement, you’ll also discover his personal story: a narrative that will resonate with anyone determined to unleash their potential. Hocevar is not your average coach. His philosophy transcends typical contemporary fitness paradigms, emphasising the importance of work ethic, and the profound impact a good coach can have on your life. He opens up about his difficult past, painting a vivid picture of the obstacles he faced and the resilience he cultivated to overcome them. Perhaps Hocevar’s key takeaway is the transformative power of coaching. This pivotal realisation not only changed his life but also set him on a mission to help others achieve their own goals. One of the most compelling aspects of his story is his belief in the life-enhancing benefits of prioritising long-term learning over chasing instant paydays. In a society increasingly driven by the pursuit of quick results, his approach is refreshingly patient. He shares how investing in knowledge, skills and relationships has paid dividends far greater than any immediate financial reward. His journey is a powerful reminder that the most meaningful success is built on a foundation of continuous learning and growth. But Hocevar’s story is not just about personal triumph. It's about the broader impact of effective coaching. He passionately discusses how great coaches do more than just guide workouts: they transform lives. Through his own experiences, he illustrates how the right mentorship can ignite a passion, instil discipline and create a ripple effect of positive change in those around you. Hocevar also reveals the intricacies of his coaching philosophy, offering valuable insights for both aspiring coaches and seasoned professionals. His tips on improving work ethic are actionable and inspiring, rooted in his real life experiences and successes. This isn’t just a narrative of overcoming adversity, it’s a blueprint for anyone looking to elevate their life, both physically and mentally. For exclusive access to all Unfiltered's video interviews, features and documentaries visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on: Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Mike Bates: The former covert counter-terrorism operative on how men can master their midlife crisis

    Mike Bates: The former covert counter-terrorism operative on how men can master their midlife crisis

    From leading covert counter-terrorism operations for the British military for two decades to becoming the fastest Briton to solo row the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge – achieving the 3000-mile crossing from San Sebastian in the Canary Islands to Nelson’s Dockyard in Antigua in just 46 days – Mike Bates knows a thing or two about performing under pressure. Whether the enemy was a Taliban insurgent in the middle of Afghanistan or a 40-foot wave in the middle of the night, Bates’s preparedness and resilience has empowered him to rise to every challenge. Yet not even men like Mike, who has more motivation and determination than most of us can imagine, can do it alone. That’s why after his distinguished military career and fresh from his endurance challenge heroics he co-founded NXT45, an innovative health, performance and wellbeing company dedicated to supporting men through midlife. More than just an events and community-building company, Bates wants NXT45 to be more like a movement, helping men navigate the often tumultuous transition from the first half of their lives to the second. The name NXT45 signifies this shift, focusing on the next 45 years and beyond. For many men the first half of their life is driven by testosterone-fuelled pursuits such as power, ambition, money and success. Yet as men approach middle age, these goals often shift towards more family-oriented values like support, community and mentorship. Navigating this shift successfully, Bates argues, is crucial for your long-term health and happiness. In our exclusive Unfiltered interview, Bates sheds light on why understanding this transition will empower men to take back control of their lives and find new purpose and meaning. Knowledge, communication and support, he says, will also prevent them descending into a pit of despair and depression as they contemplate their lost youth and the inevitable march towards their own mortality. One of the most compelling aspects of Bates’s message is his belief in the power of community, something many men at all stages of their life don’t feel or experience. Through NXT45 he aims to foster environments where men can connect, share experiences and support each other. This sense of camaraderie and mutual support, an essential asset in the military, can be a lifeline for those struggling with midlife transitions. Bates’s unique perspective, shaped by his diverse and hair-raising experiences, makes him a compelling voice for men approaching middle age. His blend of practical advice, motivational insights and personal anecdotes can provide you with the blueprint for navigating your midlife with grace and purpose. For exclusive access to all Unfiltered's video interviews, features and documentaries visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on: Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Nick Shaw: The Renaissance Periodization founder on how to unlock your growth potential

    Nick Shaw: The Renaissance Periodization founder on how to unlock your growth potential

    Over the past decade Nick Shaw, the co-founder and CEO of Renaissance Periodization (RP Strength) has transformed RP Strength from a niche service into a powerhouse in the fitness and nutrition world, recently experiencing explosive subscriber growth on YouTube and other social media platforms, including Instagram. RP’s unique model includes highly credentialed coaches – almost all with PhDs – who also compete or have competed in high level athletic competition. Not to be outdone, Shaw’s own efforts have not only earned him an IFBB Pro card but have also positioned him as a coach to world-class athletes, including CrossFit Games champions, Olympians, UFC fighters, and Navy SEALs. The recent growth of RP Strength, particularly on YouTube, underscores Shaw’s impressive ability to recognise talent and connect with a wide audience. In an industry saturated with dodgy influencers, pseudoscience and competing content, Renaissance Periodization has not only managed to stand out, but also to bring evidence-based health and fitness content to the masses. Moreover Shaw’s resilience, particularly highlighted during his wife Lori’s battle with breast cancer, adds a profound human element to his professional narrative. This experience has reinforced his commitment to helping others navigate their health and fitness journeys, regardless of the different challenges they face. Always eager to give credit to and help others achieve success, Shaw has established a scholarship for Kinesiology students at the University of Michigan, with ambitious plans to expand Renaissance Periodization’s educational and charitable contributions. Shaw’s ability to merge elite athletic coaching with accessible, evidence-based fitness solutions has made RP Strength a beacon in the health and fitness industry. For anyone looking to understand the dynamics of fitness success or seeking inspiration to overcome personal and professional hurdles, Shaw’s insights and the rapid ascent of RP Strength tell a fascinating and compelling story. For exclusive access to all Unfiltered's video interviews, features and documentaries visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on: Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Jason Khalipa: The CrossFit Games winner on why work ethic will always trump talent

    Jason Khalipa: The CrossFit Games winner on why work ethic will always trump talent

    “The Fittest Man on Earth”. That’s the title that was bestowed upon Jason Khalipa after he won the 2008 CrossFit Games. That alone makes him a man worth listening to, but Khalipa’s legacy transcends the boundaries of fitness and personal development to something far more consequential. Khalipa retired from CrossFit in 2016 following his daughter Ava’s devastating leukaemia diagnosis. In the face of this and other challenges, Jason and his wife Ashley embraced what he calls the “AMRAP Mentality” – a philosophy drawn from the CrossFit term “as many reps as possible.” This mindset emphasises focusing on what you can control, earning confidence through hard work, and maintaining a positive attitude in even the toughest times. The AMRAP Mentality not only helped Jason and his family navigate Ava’s treatment but also inspired him to share this approach with others, and led to a book titled “AMRAP Mentality”, which outlines how this philosophy can be applied to overcome life’s challenges and achieve personal goals. His daughter’s diagnosis ultimately led to the creation of Ava’s Kitchen, a non-profit founded by Jason and Ashley which – among other things – hosts an annual benefit dinner featuring renowned chefs and live auctions to raise funds for families impacted by paediatric cancer. Partnering with the Jessie Rees Foundation, it helps to support these families through various programmes including Breakaway Adventures, which provides memorable experiences for children undergoing treatment. From dominating in the CrossFit Games to overcoming personal trials and now leading the charge in the fitness industry with his innovative programmes, Jason’s story is one of relentless dedication and resilience. His TRAIN HARD philosophy isn’t just about physical training; it’s about being as capable as possible to protect and provide for your family and community. Khalipa’s journey is a testament to the power of determination, the importance of a supportive community, the relentless pursuit of excellence, and the ability to turn adversity into strength. For exclusive access to all Unfiltered's video interviews, features and documentaries visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on: Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan: The exercise physiology scientist on why all women should lift weights and eat more protein

    Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan: The exercise physiology scientist on why all women should lift weights and eat more protein

    For far too long the main health and fitness message directly at women of all ages was along the lines of “move more, eat less”, thanks in no small part to the toxic diet culture and body image pressure heaped upon women for generations. Yet a far better mantra, and one infinitely more useful to improving the health, fitness and wellbeing of all women, is “lift weights and eat more protein”. Because for decades women have been told to do hours of endless and monotonous cardio on tiny amounts of food, while all the while a far healthier approach is to exercise to build muscle and bone strength, increase lean muscle mass and improve metabolic health through lifting heavy weights, eating more nutrient-dense protein, and taking science-backed supplements, such as creatine, to improve training performance. This is the view of Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD, a renowned researcher in exercise physiology and sports nutrition, and leading expert in women’s health, fitness and nutrition. In a conversation packed with invaluable insights on multiple aspects of optimising health and performance, aimed at women of all ages, Dr Smith-Ryan is keen to stress just how crucial a role all forms of strength training can play in helping women combat the natural decline of lean muscle mass as they age to stay looking and feeling younger, fitter and healthier for longer. And with resistance training proven to promote stronger bones, improve joint health, and enhance overall strength, it’s particularly important for women approaching or experiencing menopause to combat osteoporosis and muscle loss associated with hormonal changes. With many women underestimating their protein needs, Dr Smith-Ryan also highlights the importance of adequate protein intake, particularly for ageing women, for muscle repair and growth, and as we age, our bodies require more to maintain muscle mass and function. She discusses the benefits of creatine supplementation, traditionally associated with male bodybuilders and other strength athletes but now recognised for its wide-ranging benefits for women, including enhancing muscle strength, improving exercise performance, supporting cognitive health and function, making it an invaluable sports nutrition supplement for women wanting to maintain both physical and mental sharpness. Whether you're a long-term fitness enthusiast, looking to start living a healthier lifestyle or in desperate need of menopausal lifestyle advice, Dr Smith-Ryan provides clear, actionable and effective steps for incorporating resistance training, optimising protein intake, and considering creatine supplementation to enhance overall health, fitness and wellbeing. For exclusive access to all Unfiltered's video interviews, features and documentaries visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on: Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra