The SimmosExplícito

por Liam & Shaun Simmo

Welcome to the Simmos, the best poddy in Newcastle. Two brothers that will be providing you with the best yarns, laughs and chat on a weekly basis.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Ep. 15 Big Papi joins the set and boys chat Sydney


    Ep. 15 Big Papi joins the set and boys chat Sydney


    This week Liam has gone M.I.A so his replaced with big papi for the week, Shaun and Chello chat Sydney, the Knights winning form and pure garbage.

  • Ep. 14 Sam is soft, pizza chat & a forfeit?


    Ep. 14 Sam is soft, pizza chat & a forfeit?


    This week Shaun calls out Sam numerous times as they have their beef, we ask you to send in your pizza. Liam talks about his forfeit & possible new segment ideas.

  • Ep.13 Simmos tear up Gold Coast and talk tacos


    Ep.13 Simmos tear up Gold Coast and talk tacos


    Last weekend the Simmos were kings of Goldy! Shaun gets his first tattoo, Guzman share us and we have someone get up us for eating soft shell tacos.

  • Ep.12 Few dad jokes, Cheers Bruce and Liam's new car?


    Ep.12 Few dad jokes, Cheers Bruce and Liam's new car?


    This week Liam and Shaun yarn about heaps of garbage. A few dad jokes sprinkled in, something about midgets, new cars, cheers Bruce and new foods. All followed with some good yarns and laughs its not one to miss.

  • Ep.11 We rate your spaghetti!


    Ep.11 We rate your spaghetti!


    This week we are back on the train, the Simmos train. We give out 3 claps, we discuss what spaghetti actually is and then we rate what you have sent in, we also announce another guest appearance coming up.