
The street Jenna lived on: Assault, Alcohol, and Alienation

The Streets of Our Lives por Lina La Rue

Notas del episodio

When we are young, we often trust others very easily because we haven’t had enough life experiences yet to help us develop a discerning mind. We may think that being in a certain environment will be good for us and we may think that certain people have our back. Today’s guest, Jenna, explains that she joined the military for structure, stability, and a safe environment. Unfortunately, this is not what came out of her time in the service.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Joining the military right after high school instead of going to college
  • How it's cheaper to buy alcohol on military bases
  • Being assaulted by someone she trusted
  • Drinking to cope with feelings of shame
  • What it was like to see the person who assaulted her years later
  • Finding out a friend went through a similar experience
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Palabras clave
sexual assaultjoin the militaryalcoholic veteranveteran suicidecoping strategiesmental health awarenessmilitary sexual assaultveteran mental health