Notas del episodio

This is episode 5 of season 2 and it features the whole gang again for a change. Cecile and Diendre hang out together while Cecile does some matrix work for her. Neither seem to be in a great mood. Ali hangs out with Kaylee at the clinic and the two of them run into some trouble on the way to Hazel's bar. Grace has a chat with Dylan Pike of the Hermetic Order of the Auric Aurora and finds some common ground with him after his aloof and stand-offish first impression. Finally, Prokop Skillful makes an appearance and gives the gang a job, and drops some clues, both intentionally and not. Grace eats a chocolate cake, Diendre senses fire, and Cecile walks out.

Palabras clave
actual playhard knocks sororitycyberpunkshadowrun 4th editionshadowrun sixth worldtable top rpg shadowrunShadowrun Anarchy