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Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to Episode 28 in which the team makes their get away following their extremely successful and well executed rescue mission. Getaway...oh right...that part no one planned for. It goes swimmingly. After a bit of a miscue Cecile gets a good nights sleep, Diendre, ICE and Rigor Mortis drive through the night, and Grace and Ali go camping. As always featuring Beth as Grace aka Nightingale and Val as Ali aka Boxer, Veronika as Cecile aka College Girl and Kat as Diendre. It's really wiz that your are joining us and I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to ...
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