Round Trip Death Podcast

por Near Death Experiences

Near Death Experiences - NDE's.

Find answers to mankind's biggest question, "What Happens After We Die?"

Round Trip Death podcast features discussions with people who have actually died, visited the other side, and returned to talk about it. What did they see? What did they experience and learn? How can these insights affect your life moving forward?

NDE - Near Death Experiences.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 3

  • Jared's 2 NDE's, Disturbing and Beautiful

    Jared's 2 NDE's, Disturbing and Beautiful

    This is 'Donation Month' at Round Trip Death and we need your support. Please click here to make a donation: Jared Geeting turned his life around following his Hellish near death experience at age 24. While waiting for accomplices with criminal intent, Jared suddenly found himself surrounded by demons in a place that can only be described as hell. The spirits of deceased people were languishing in despair and dark perversions. He knew this was hell. To escape, he ran for miles crying and pleading with God. Then God spoke to him saying, "This is your fate if you do not change!" A few years later Jared was put under anesthesia during knee surgery. Again he left his body, but this time was met with something profoundly beautiful; he met his soon-to-be-born son. His son said, "I Love You Dad." He was then hit with a "freight train of love." Why do distressing NDE's happen? Why do beautiful ones happen? And why can't the experiencers often remember it all? In this episode we discuss these questions and more.

  • Dennis' NDE (Part 2) - Spiritual Gifts

    Dennis' NDE (Part 2) - Spiritual Gifts

    In Part 2 of our conversation with Dennis Bullock we discuss events that happened after his near death experience. Many experiencers. come back with spiritual gifts that they didn't have previously. What are they, and how do we unlock them? Do we need NDE's to receive our gifts? Dennis' gifts include premonitions about the future for some individuals, healings, and an understanding about love and vibrations. In this episode we discuss all this and more! ___________________________ Reach out to Dennis: Please show your support for this quality content by donating here:

  • Dennis' NDE: God is Only Only Only Only LOVE (Part 1)

    Dennis' NDE: God is Only Only Only Only LOVE (Part 1)

    Dennis Bullock is a professional musician living in Zurich, Switzerland. His first Spiritual Experience came just a week after his mother passed away. In this experience his room "became like a Star Wars movie" as he saw stars coming out of the sun (God). One of the stars was his recently deceased Mom. She told him about two events that would take place in the following week. As they happened, he realized that this was actual proof that what he had experienced was true. A few years later Dennis experienced a full on near death experience as his heart stopped beating for 20+ minutes following an overdose. He literally jumped or popped out of his body. During this time he experienced things that made him laugh, gave him insights, and eventually he heard a loving parent-like voice tell him, "If you don't go back now, you might have to stay." God gave him a choice.. During his NDE, Dennis learned that we came here to 'experience.' We are part of God and we are Gods. And that God is only only only only love! _______________ Dennis Bullock: Please show your support for this quality content by donating here:

  • John Shares His Experience For The First Time

    John Shares His Experience For The First Time

    John had a very unusual OBE/NDE while he was in the Navy, stationed at Pearl Harbor. Finally, after more than 30 years, he is ready to share it publicly for the first time. During John's NDE he found himself in a dark void, then went to a bright light with facets like a diamond. He felt love and belonging. He met a male being that he felt like he had known forever. John grew up in a rough family situation with an abusive father. During his experience he was told, "Your father is going to die." He told his mother, then his father and tried to convince him to see a doctor. Two months later, his father suffered a widow maker heart attack and died. How do you process an experience like this? Who do you talk to? In this episode, we discuss these issues and many, many more. ____________________ Please share this podcast with a loved one! Click here if you would like to support the show

  • Brooke's NDE (Part 2), Shared Death Experience With Her Grandmother

    Brooke's NDE (Part 2), Shared Death Experience With Her Grandmother

    In part 1 of Brooke Grove's interview we explored her near death experience as a result of systemic organ failure. In part 2 we discuss the beautiful shared death experience (SDE) she had when her grandmother transitioned from this life to the next. Grandma was illuminated, had light beings holding her, and was surrounded by everyone she had ever loved. Brooke let her know that she could now let go. The discussion includes other shared death experiences, death doulas, and the grief & joy we can experience as a loved one passes over. Part 1 of Brooke's interview is episode #427 and can be found here Please Share This Podcast With A Loved One... Or a Skeptic! Brooke can be reached at Click here if you would like to support this show