The Experience Corporation- 11. A Tale of Two Cons | Part 3 | Zapper? I Hardly Know Her

The Experience Corporation (Ad Free) por Readymade Utopia

Notas del episodio

Delmont goes backstage. Cameo gets upset. A bug finds its way. Knapp just might save the day.

Delmont is played by Len Sheth

Cameo is played by Samuel Levit

Knapp is played by Mark Miles

Magic Presenter is played by Megan Hastie

Goff Lynn is played by Keely Smith

Riley is played by Matthew Snead

Bee Keeper is played by CG Shoopmann

Tulip and Lola are played by Julia Crowley

Written by Kaleb Davie

Produced and directed by Kaleb Davie

Vanessa Thurlow is the director of sound design, producer, and composer.

Theme song written by Vanessa Thurlow and Len Sheth, performed by Christian Rasmussen,

Artwork by Kate Nikles.Our executive producers are Susan Fair, Bob Levit, and Louise and Raj, and The Elsner Family.