Rise Above: Why 'Lower Your Expectations' Is a Myth You Must Reject!

Renegadez: Men of Faith & Fortitude ©️ por Rev. Joseph C Gomez

Notas del episodio

In this compelling episode titled "Rise Above: Why 'Lower Your Expectations' Is a Dangerous Lie," we confront a troubling trend that has infiltrated our culture-the notion that men should settle for less. Join Reverend Joseph C. Gomez, your host and a man of faith, as he passionately argues against this mindset that undermines our God-given purpose. Discover how this dangerous advice not only diminishes our ambition but also contradicts the teachings of Scripture. Prepare to be inspired to rise above mediocrity and embrace the high calling that God has set for you. #RiseAbove #MenOfFaith #RejectMediocrity

Palabras clave
faithrenegaderenegadezmanmenman of godfortituderelationshipsdon’t quittoxic relationshipsdutyresponsibilityveteranusmcresiliencecourageremembering“journey of faith and authenticityexploring self awareness“integrity and spiritual fulfillment“renegadez men of faith and fortitude episodeswoke culture critique“biblical perspective on modern issues“moral integrity in modern society”biblical covenantrighteousnessmasculinityspiritualityend timesspiritual preparednessbiblical insightsrev joseph c gomezspiritual vigilancefaith and fortituderenegadez podcastspiritual roadmapheart of servantscriptural roadmapSpiritual intelligence Good Friday Reflections • Spiritual Awakening • Faith and Resilience • Men of Faith • Christian Brotherhood • Easter Significance • Living with Purpose • Renegadez Podcast • Spiritual Growth for Men • Christian Biker BrotherhoodRenegadez Podcast, Faith and Suffering, Spiritual Growth, Christian Hope, Men’s Spirituality, Bible and Suffering, Overcoming Adversity, Faith in Hard Times, Veteran Faith Journey, Warrior Spirit ApparelSpiritual friendships • True spiritual bonds • Faith and friendship • Discerning genuine relationships • Scripture on friendship • Christian podcast episodes • Renegadez Men of Faith & Fortitude • Reverend Joseph C. Gomez podcastMen’s mental healthAuthenticityRestoring faithHealing our nationBiblical wisdomPhilosophyUncertainty What ifGodBreaking free from judgementGods Grace and LoveOvercoming past mistakesEmbracing Gods planInspirationInspirational podcast for menVulnerability in men, strength through vulnerability, Christian masculinity, faith and fortitude, brotherhood and vulnerability, overcoming stigma in men’s mental health, biblical masculinity, men of faith podcast Christian podcast, life’s challenges, storms of life, faith and strength, motorcycle wisdom, overcoming adversity, Isaiah 40:31, Preacher Joe, faith-based resilience, biblical encouragement#Masculinity #FaithAndFortitude #MenOfFaith#SpiritualWarfare#MasculinityUnderAttack#BiblicalManhood#StandStrong#GodlyLeadership#MenRisingUp#FaithInAction#ToxicMasculinityDebate#ChristianMen#MasculineIdentity#EndTimesWarriors#LegacyBuilding#LegacyOfFaith#BrotherhoodOfFaith #RiseAbove#RejectMediocrity