The Bible by David Alley

por David Alley

A bible commentary by David Alley from Peace Apostolic Ministries. A new episode comes out daily. Cover the entire Bible plus Apocryphal books in four years. Each episode includes the reading of a full chapter, plus comments both historical and spiritual, and prayer. Join this podcast, and grow in faith.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Understanding Philippians 1: He Who Began a Good Work in You, Will Complete It

    Understanding Philippians 1: He Who Began a Good Work in You, Will Complete It

    Paul was only in Philippi for about one week, a very difficult and tumultuous week, but a church started in the house of Lydia and the first Christians were very eclectic. But what God started, he would finish, wrote Paul. Join David Alley as he reads Philippians 1 and then discusses the chapter and these issues.

  • Understanding Ephesians 6: Put on the Armour of God - What is Spiritual Warfare?

    Understanding Ephesians 6: Put on the Armour of God - What is Spiritual Warfare?

    Spiritual Warfare is something which on the one hand is controversial, but on the other hand, every believer experiences either knowingly or unknowingly. Join David Alley as he reads Ephesians 6 and then discusses the chapter and these issues.

  • Understanding Ephesians 5: Wives, Husbands and the Submission Question

    Understanding Ephesians 5: Wives, Husbands and the Submission Question

    What can we make out of the submission verse in Ephesians, and the context of the even bigger marriage issue that Paul was alluding to? Join David Alley as he reads Ephesians 5 and then discusses the chapter and these issues.

  • Understanding Ephesians 4: Ascension Gifts - Apostles and Prophets in the Church

    Understanding Ephesians 4: Ascension Gifts - Apostles and Prophets in the Church

    There is a lot going on in every chapter of Ephesians, and this chapter is no exception. One high point is the discussion of the giving of ministry gifts in Christ's ascension - including the extra apostles that the church needs, why it needs them, and for how long. Join David Alley as he reads Ephesians 4 and then discusses the chapter and these issues.

  • Understanding Ephesians 3: The Mystery of God's Administration to Paul - Gentiles Included

    Understanding Ephesians 3: The Mystery of God's Administration to Paul - Gentiles Included

    Paul said that he was given a mystery of God's administration, which was that God made him responsible for the inclusion of the Gentiles into God's plan. This was indeed a mystery - an unexpected turn of events - and Paul explains it here. Join David Alley as he reads Ephesians 3 and then discusses the chapter and these issues.