Episodios del podcast
Temporada 5
Sarah Henderson on healing from trauma and serving others in discipleship ministry
Debbie's sister sits down with Noisy Narratives and talks about her journey to serving in a church plant in Utah and leading the STEPS program. Sarah shares about her personal heartache and how God constantly demonstrates He cares deeply for her and the people her church plant is called to serve.
Amy and Leslie on recovery from alcohol addiction
Friends Amy and Leslie were kind enough to sit down with Noisy Narrative and share their story of recovery from alcoholism. They share how God, friendship, and community made their recovery possible. The conversation is encouraging and helpful, you don't want to miss it!
Happi Magnum talks about recovery from substance abuse
Happi Mangum and her mom, Pat, sit down with Noisy Narratives to share Happi's journey in recovery from drug addiction. Pat shares the reality of walking with a child stuck in the cycle of addiction, and Happi is honest and raw about what drugs did to her mind and body. We are grateful for their honesty and their desire for others to learn from their family's struggle.
Kristy Johnson on different generations in the workplace
Clinical Nursing Educator, Kristy Johnson, discusses teaching new generations how to transition to the workforce. We talk social skills, positive interaction between generations and how to be proactive in helping our kids learn important skills for adulting.
Lisa Apple discusses learning from her marriage to a narcissist