Climate Pelicans' Brief

por Jill Tupitza & Corinne Salter

Welcome to the Climate Pelicans' Brief. Join LSU doctoral students Corinne (Cori) Salter and Jill Tupitza as they bridge the gap between the science of climate change and environmental impacts in Louisiana frontline communities. Here we blend climate science with climate justice and bring you a nuanced perspective on the threats we face in the Deep South. Join us for fact-based conversations and interviews with community lea ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • industrial decarbonization

    industrial decarbonization

    Let's talk about how Louisiana's industrial sector accounts for 66% of the state's GHG emissions. This week, Cori and Jill do a deep dive into the Louisiana Climate Action Plan's strategies for decarbonizing industry along the Mississippi River Industrial Corridor. Will it get us to net-zero in time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change? Or will it perpetuate the same extractive system that causes climate change? Bonus content: Cori's gruesome roller derby injury. CAW CAW to action: sign EDF's petition to limit the production of hydrogen from fossil fuels by 12/12/23 References: 1. 2. LSU wins $94K grant to research solar power. James Wilkins. Nov 26, 2023. The Advocate Metro section. 3. Perera, P. K. P., & Lam, N. (2013). An environmental justice assessment of the mississippi river industrial corridor in Louisiana, US using a gis-based approach. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 11(4), 681-697. 4. Tarufelli, B. L. (2021). Toxic Air in the Industrial Corridor? An Analysis.

  • climate anxiety & youth movements

    climate anxiety & youth movements

    Feeling anxious about climate change? Not sure if your actions will even matter in the grand scheme of things? Join the Climate Pelicans this week for a discussion about the pervasiveness of climate anxiety (you're not alone!) and the power of student movements that we can use to overcome it. Sign our petition for LSU to divest from fossil fuels: Sign up to receive updates about industrial facilities applying for permits: Look into your public school's investments: Follow us on social media: @climatepelicans References:*1vg28lr*_ga*MTE2ODA3ODcyMi4xNjk1NTExMTMw*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTY5NTUxMTEzMC4xLjAuMTY5NTUxMTEzMC4wLjAuMA..

  • environmental justice in the LA prison complex

    environmental justice in the LA prison complex

    All US citizens have the right to a clean and healthy environment under the 5th and 14th amendments to the Constitution. This week, Cori and Jill dig into how this does not extend to prisoners in Louisiana, and discuss the criminal justice-environmental justice overlap. This topic is new to the landscape of academic literature, and your Climate Pelicans are excited to bring you some food for thought about. Original music by Bola Cover art by Cori Salter Check out this Reveille article featuring LSU Climate Pelicans! References Neveen Hammad, “Shackled to Economic Appeal: How Prison Labor Facilitates Modern Slavery While Perpetuating Poverty in Black Communities,” Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law, no. Summer 2019 (2019). Albonetti, C.A. (1997). Sentencing under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Effects of Defendant Characteristics, Guilty Pleas, and Departures on Sentence Outcomes for Drug Offenses, 1991-1992. Law & Society Review, 31(4): 789–822. Steffensmeier, D., Ulmer, J., & Kramer, J. (2006). The Interaction of Race, Gender, and Age in Criminal Sentencing: The Punishment Cost of Being Young, Black, and Male. Criminology. 36: 763 - 798. 10.1111/j.1745-9125.1998.tb01265.x. Freiburger, T. L., & Hilinski, C. M. (2013). An Examination of the Interactions of Race and Gender on Sentencing Decisions Using a Trichotomous Dependent Variable. Crime & Delinquency, 59(1): 59–86. Prisons as LULUs [PDF]

  • what we lose when seas rise

    what we lose when seas rise

    What gets you out of bed in the morning? For us, it's wetlands. This week's episode is all about the effervescent glory of Louisiana coastal wetlands. You can expect to learn about the importance of coastal wetlands and the sea-level rise and coastal erosion that threaten them. We also have a CP Brief discussion of how the LA Coastal Master Plan aims to mitigate land loss through sediment diversions. Come for the fun facts & stay for thoughts on the environmental justice implications of land loss in LA. Bonus content: where to find the best vegan corndog in town.References:Jankowski, K., Törnqvist, T. & Fernandes, A. Vulnerability of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands to present-day rates of relative sea-level rise. Nat Commun 8, 14792 (2017). Turner, R.E. Doubt and the Values of an Ignorance-Based World View for Restoration: Coastal Louisiana Wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts 32, 1054–1068 (2009).

  • there's real money in false solutions

    there's real money in false solutions

    Us: "Do you want to be part of the solution or part of the problem?" Fossil fuel industry: "We want to be the WHOLE problem." Join the Climate Pelicans this week for an exploration into some climate solutions...that are not really solutions. This episode is for you if you want to learn more about how Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and blue hydrogen stack up to renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal) in terms of addressing the carbon emissions. Plus, join us for CLIMATE WEEK at LSU (Oct 30-Nov 3). Oct 31 from 3-4PM: Banner decoration on the Parade GroundsNov 1st from 7-8PM: Open mic night @ Highland CoffeesNov 3rd from 3-4:45PM: Climate Rally + March for Divestment @ LSU Greek TheatreOriginal music by BolaReferences:,products%2C%20recreation%2C%20and%20aesthetics.