Shift with CJ

por Chiranjeev Malhotra

The Shift with CJ Podcast Series is for those who would like to dive deep into a world of health and wellness. Featuring interviews and conversations with the world-leading experts, the Podcast seeks to empower listeners to “Make a Shift towards a Healthier as well as Happier Life". Our host Chiranjeev Malhotra leaped into the world of Biohacking and Nutrition about 10 years ago and has been thoroughly studying the same while ...   ...  Leer más

Episodios del podcast

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  • Easy Living with Seline Shenoy: Beat Decision Fatigue and Be Your Authentic Self

    Easy Living with Seline Shenoy: Beat Decision Fatigue and Be Your Authentic Self

    In this enlightening episode of Shift with CJ, host CJ engages in a deep conversation with Seline Shenoy, exploring themes of personal growth, inner journey, and the essence of human connection. They delve into Seline's growth journey, the inspiration behind her blog, her transition to podcasting, and her latest book, "The Nomadic Soul." Key Takeaways: Importance of Self-Discovery:Knowing oneself is a journey that requires introspection and clarity. Confidence should be paired with clarity to avoid disaster. Self-awareness leads to wisdom and better decision-making. Nomadic Soul Concept:Inspired by the nomadic culture of the Middle East and the idea of sacred quests. Emphasizes the importance of physical and internal movement for personal growth. Aligns with the idea that progress is essential for happiness. Connection and Community:Modern society's breakdown of community and family structures leads to loneliness. True connection involves understanding oneself, connecting with others, and finding a higher purpose. Emphasizes the need for building supportive relationships and communities. Facing Societal Pressures:Society's template for success often leads to frustration and a lack of fulfillment. Encourages questioning societal norms and finding one's own path. Importance of aligning life choices with personal values and purpose. Decision Making and Fatigue:Decision fatigue is real and affects productivity and happiness. Simplifying life and automating routine decisions can conserve mental energy. Make important decisions when rested and at your mental peak. Five Actions to Improve Your Life: Invest in Self-Education:Continuously learn about topics that interest you or are beneficial to your goals. Utilize resources like books, podcasts, and online courses. Practice Self-Love:Identify what self-love means to you and incorporate those practices into your routine. Make time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Build Strong Connections:Focus on building deep and meaningful relationships with those around you. Engage in activities that connect you with nature and your spiritual side. Simplify Decision Making:Automate routine decisions like meals and wardrobe to save mental energy. Plan and prepare for the next day’s decisions to reduce daily fatigue. Align with Your True Self:Reflect on your values and ensure your actions align with your personal beliefs. Be courageous in making changes that reflect your true desires and aspirations. Conclusion: The episode offers deep insights into living a fulfilled life by focusing on personal growth, self-awareness, and meaningful connections. Seline’s book, "The Nomadic Soul," it is now available at Learn more about Seline Shenoy at

  • Huberman's Sleep Secrets: Boost Sleep upto 400% With THIS!

    Huberman's Sleep Secrets: Boost Sleep upto 400% With THIS!

    Welcome to the Shift with CJ podcast! In this episode, CJ delves into top sleep strategies shared by Doctor Andrew Huberman, a professor at Stanford and a renowned expert in neuroscience and sleep science. This episode breaks down complex science into actionable steps to enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being. Key Takeaways: Morning Light Exposure: Exposing yourself to bright light or sunlight within the first 30-60 minutes of waking up helps regulate your body's internal clock. Aim for 15-20 minutes of natural light exposure, even on cloudy days, to enhance alertness and set a healthy circadian rhythm. Morning Movement: Engaging in light physical activity like walking or stretching in the morning helps increase your body temperature and kickstart metabolic processes. Cold exposure, such as cold showers or ice baths for 1-3 minutes, can also boost dopamine levels, improving focus and motivation. Coffee Timing: Delay your morning coffee by 90-120 minutes after waking up to avoid an afternoon crash. Avoid consuming caffeine after 2 p.m. to prevent sleep disturbances. If you crave coffee later in the day, opt for decaf. Evening Light Management: In the evenings, reduce exposure to blue light from screens and artificial sources. Use dim yellow or red lights to promote melatonin production, which helps you fall asleep faster. Consider using blue light blockers or candles to create a calming environment. Sleep Supplements: Certain supplements like magnesium, theanine, and arginine can support sleep quality. Doctor Huberman recommends specific dosages and types of these supplements to optimize their effectiveness without causing gastric stress. Five Actions to Improve Your Sleep: Get Morning Sunlight: Spend at least 15-20 minutes outside in the morning light, even on cloudy days, to regulate your circadian rhythm and improve alertness. Incorporate Morning Movement: Engage in light physical activity or cold exposure to boost your body temperature and dopamine levels, enhancing focus and motivation for the day. Delay Coffee Intake: Wait 90-120 minutes after waking up to have your first cup of coffee. Avoid caffeine after 2 p.m. to ensure it doesn't interfere with your sleep. Manage Evening Light: Reduce exposure to blue light in the evening by using dim yellow or red lights. Consider blue light blockers or candles to create a sleep-friendly environment. Use Sleep Supplements Wisely: Consider incorporating magnesium, theanine, and arginine into your nightly routine to support sleep quality. Follow recommended dosages and choose types that minimize gastric stress. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can significantly improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. For more advanced sleep hacks and tips, check out CJ's sleep course and become a master of sleep!

  • Extending Your Lifespan through Caloric Restriction

    Extending Your Lifespan through Caloric Restriction

    In this episode, CJ delves into the science and practical aspects of caloric restriction, an effective approach to extending lifespan and improving health. Caloric restriction involves reducing calorie intake without causing malnutrition, which has been shown to reduce age-related diseases and improve metabolic health. Key Points Discussed: Introduction to Caloric RestrictionExplanation of caloric restriction and its benefits. Overview of scientific research supporting its efficacy in extending lifespan and enhancing health. Science Behind Caloric RestrictionReduces oxidative stress by lowering the production of free radicals. Enhances cellular repair mechanisms through processes like autophagy. Promotes healthier cells and improved overall health and longevity. Practical Tips for Incorporating Caloric RestrictionIntermittent Fasting: Popular method like the 16/8 approach (16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating). Reducing Daily Calorie Intake: Aim for a 10-20% reduction, focusing on nutrient-dense foods. Mindful Eating: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, eat slowly, and savor your meals. Meal Planning: Plan meals ahead to ensure a balance of nutrients and avoid impulsive eating. Monitoring Progress: Keep track of calorie intake and overall well-being using food diaries or apps. Benefits of Caloric Restriction Beyond LongevityImproved metabolic health. Reduced risk of age-related diseases. Enhanced overall well-being. ConclusionEncouragement to make thoughtful dietary choices for long-term health. Reminder to consult healthcare providers before making significant dietary changes. Key Takeaways: Caloric restriction can significantly enhance your lifespan and health by reducing oxidative stress and promoting cellular repair. Intermittent fasting and mindful eating are effective strategies for reducing calorie intake. Planning meals and monitoring progress are crucial for maintaining nutritional balance and achieving caloric restriction goals. The approach is not about deprivation but making healthier, more thoughtful dietary choices. 5 Things You Can Start Doing Today: Try Intermittent Fasting: Start with the 16/8 method to control your eating window and reduce calorie intake. Reduce Your Caloric Intake: Aim for a moderate reduction of 10-20% in your daily calories. Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods: Focus on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to get essential nutrients without excess calories. Practice Mindful Eating: Slow down during meals, pay attention to your body's signals, and stop eating when you feel satisfied. Plan Your Meals: Prepare balanced meals in advance to avoid impulsive eating and ensure you meet your nutritional needs. Caloric restriction is a sustainable and scientifically backed approach to improving health and extending lifespan. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can support your body's natural repair processes and achieve a healthier, longer life. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet.

  • Andrew Huberman's Fitness Protocol

    Andrew Huberman's Fitness Protocol

    In this episode, CJ discusses insights gained from a two-hour episode with Dr. Andrew Huberman of Stanford School of Medicine. Dr. Huberman shared his fitness toolkit, emphasizing simple yet powerful practices for enhancing fitness and overall health. CJ breaks down these practices and explains how you can integrate them into your daily routine. Key Takeaways: Calf Raises and Blood Sugar Management:Doing calf raises while sitting can significantly reduce insulin and blood glucose levels. Simple actions can have profound impacts on longevity and overall health. Zone 2 Cardio:Engage in moderate-intensity cardio, like hiking or brisk walking, where you can maintain a conversation. Aim for 180-200 minutes of Zone 2 cardio per week to reap substantial health benefits. Leg Training and Weighted Stretching:Training large muscle groups early in the week can enhance metabolic changes and hormone production. Incorporate weighted stretching exercises like calf raises, leg curls, and leg extensions to build strength and flexibility simultaneously. Active Recovery and Hot/Cold Therapy:Use active recovery days with hot/cold contrast sessions (e.g., sauna followed by cold plunge) to enhance muscle recovery and overall wellness. Incorporating these sessions can improve longevity, brain health, and muscle function. Consistent and Varied Workout Routine:Dr. Huberman follows a structured weekly fitness routine that balances endurance, strength, and recovery. Mixing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with moderate-intensity exercises can optimize cardiovascular health without burnout. 5 Things You Can Start Doing Today: Calf Raises:While sitting at your desk, perform calf raises periodically throughout the day to manage blood sugar levels and improve leg strength. Zone 2 Cardio:Aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio, such as brisk walking or cycling, where you can still have a conversation. Start with a weekly goal and gradually increase to 180-200 minutes. Weighted Stretching Exercises:Incorporate exercises like leg curls, calf raises, and leg extensions into your routine. Focus on stretching the muscle while adding weight to enhance flexibility and strength. Active Recovery:Dedicate a day to active recovery using hot/cold contrast therapy. Try alternating between a hot bath or sauna and a cold shower or plunge. Yoga and Stretching:Include yoga or stretching sessions in your weekly routine to improve flexibility, enhance blood flow, and promote relaxation. Aim for at least 20 minutes, five times a week. CJ's breakdown of Dr. Andrew Huberman's fitness toolkit offers actionable insights and practical tips to integrate into your fitness routine. By adopting these practices, you can enhance your health, longevity, and overall well-being.

  • Daily lesson : Hacking lower back pain

    Daily lesson : Hacking lower back pain

    In this enlightening episode of the Shift with CJ podcast, host CJ delves into the pervasive issue of lower back pain, exploring its causes, the underlying science, and providing actionable strategies to help listeners manage and prevent it. This episode is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to understand and address their lower back pain effectively. Key Takeaways: Understanding the Root Causes:Lower back pain is often caused by poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, or improper lifting techniques. Muscle or ligament strain, bulging or ruptured discs, arthritis, and osteoporosis are common medical causes. Heavy weight exercises, particularly if performed with poor form, can lead to lower back injuries. Scientific Insights:The lower back's complex structure includes muscles, ligaments, discs, and nerves. Key muscles involved are the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, and hamstrings. Proper alignment and muscle balance are crucial for a healthy back. Modern Biohacks and Tools:Topical Muscle Relaxants: Using magnesium lotion with MSM helps reduce inflammation and relax muscles. Foam Rolling: Tools like the rumble roller help relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation. Inversion Therapy: Involves hanging upside down to decompress the spine, relieving pressure and pain. PEMF Therapy: Uses electromagnetic fields to promote healing and reduce inflammation. Actionable Strategies:Stay Active: Avoid prolonged sitting and incorporate walks, light exercises, and stretching into your routine. Practice Proper Form: Maintain good posture whether lifting weights or sitting at your desk. Use Modern Tools: Invest in biohacking tools like foam rollers, inversion tables, and PEMF devices. Core Strengthening: Perform exercises like planks, bird dog, and pelvic tilts to support your spine. Hydration and Diet: Stay hydrated and focus on anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, and omega-3 fatty acids. Infrared and Cold Therapy: Use infrared mats or saunas to relax muscles and cold therapy to reduce inflammation. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate meditation and yoga to improve physical health and manage stress. 5 Things You Can Start Doing Today: Daily Stretching Routine:Incorporate stretches like the coil stretch to enhance flexibility and prevent muscle tightness. Proper Posture:Be mindful of your posture, whether sitting or lifting weights. Visualize a straight line from your head to your hips. Use Biohacking Tools:Invest in tools such as foam rollers and inversion tables to aid in muscle relaxation and spine decompression. Hydrate and Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods:Drink at least eight glasses of water daily and include foods like turmeric and ginger in your diet. Practice Mindfulness:Integrate meditation and yoga into your routine to improve mental clarity and reduce stress. Consistency is key; start with one or two practices and gradually build up your routine. Stay active, stay mindful, and invest in tools that support your journey to a pain-free back.