Amazing Discoveries

por Amazing Discoveries

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Episodios del podcast

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  • How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

    How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

    Do you know how to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How willing are you to die for Christ? If you hesitate to answer this question, you still don’t understand God. Pastor Pavel Goia shares the secret of finishing the race victoriously so that we may reach heaven’s shore. We need to understand how to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Hear the amazing stories about what happened when Adventist pioneers were praying for the Holy Spirit. Find out how his father sacrificed his life in service to God. Why was he willing to die for Christ? What was his last prayer? Discover how to be filled with the Spirit.

  • The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

    The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

    Why is there no power in our lives or in our churches? What’s missing? Why don’t we pray more for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? Why don’t we seek God with all our strength and power? What would happen if we spent time seeking a relationship with God and were filled with His presence? Pastor Pavel Goia shares faith-inspiring stories about amazing things that happen when people seek God’s presence.

  • Seeking the Power of the Holy Spirit

    Seeking the Power of the Holy Spirit

    Jesus is coming soon and there’s work for us to do. Pastor Pavel Goia explains that unless we have an experience with Christ and begin to understand the cross, we will not have the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the task. When the disciples prayed together and finally began to understand the cross, then God poured out the Holy Spirit and that small group of disciples turned the world upside down. God can do anything through just one committed person because the power of God’s love can change the world.

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  • A Spade Unearths the Truth

    A Spade Unearths the Truth

    Does history support Scripture? What does archaeology have to say about the Bible? This video takes us on a fascinating walk through the ages. Archaeological evidence in support of Scripture is presented. We will trace evidence for the long-disputed stories of the Exodus and the existence of long-forgotten cities and archaeological finds such as the Ebla tablets.

  • A Day to Be Remembered

    A Day to Be Remembered

    What does the Bible tell us happened in the days of Creation? This episode looks at the days of Creation with an extra focus on the seventh day and why the Creator rested on that day. What is the significance of the seventh day of Creation and what impact does it have on our lives today? Was the seventh-day Sabbath a Jewish institution or did it originate in Eden? In this intriguing lecture, the Creation week is presented, emphasizing the relationship between the Creator and Creation. This episode also gives an in-depth rediscovery of the day of rest.