
Neurodiversity and OccuPLAYtional Therapy in School: A Conversation with Kelise Olds

Your Kids Don’t Suck: Cultivating Closeness with your Kids through Non-Coercive, Conscious Parenting by Rythea Lee and Cara Tedstone

Episode notes

Welcome back to Your Kids Don't Suck! Today, we're thrilled to have Kelsie Olds, also known as The Occuplaytional Therapist on social media. Kelsie is a parent and occupational therapist specializing in child-led and neurodiversity-affirming occupational therapy.

We discuss:

Kelsie's Training and Approach:

  • Rythea and Cara delve into Kelsie's background as an occupational therapist, exploring what this means and how it shapes her approach to working with children.

The Child-Centered Approach:

  • Kelsie discusses her approach to working with kids, emphasizing child-led methods and its alignment with her non-authoritarian parenting style. She contrasts this with mainstream practices, highlighting the differences and benefits.

Navigating Neurodiversity:

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parentingmental healtheducationtherapyreparentingpsychoeducationpsychologytraumachild developmenttechnology