How To Turn Arguments Into Helpful Discussions

Parenting Together Apart Podcast by Ellie Lemons and Monique Barry

Episode notes

We talk about handling arguments and conflict in your co-parenting / parenting relationship and how to come out of an argument better than when you went in.

  1. Introduction

  2. Arguments can be a good thing providing awareness about what your wounds are, where expectations aren’t being met or holes in your communication.

  3. Arguments vs discussion

  4. How attachment styles influence your ability to have hard discussions and handle conflict and knowing your co-parents attachment style is a sign of love.

  5. Strategies to help when you’re in the midst of an argument

  6. How to recover after an argument so you finish better off, not worse off.


Book: Attached by Amir Levine

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coparentingparentingrelationshipsseperationconscious parentingcommunication