Three Nerds Walk Into a Tavern

by Nighthowlr

Welcome to our new DnD podcast. Just a party of three, but we might make new friends as we go! We play together every Sunday and plan to post episodes weekly, so follow for more great content.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • An Office Occurrence: Part 3

    An Office Occurrence: Part 3

    Finally closing up this one shot, we see what Jon and Magi do in Frank the polite giant spider's cave. Stick around for campaign 2 which will release around late December!

  • An Office Occurrence: Part Two

    An Office Occurrence: Part Two

    Jon abandons his friend and then falls asleep on the job, Kerori and Magi investigate a puzzle. A new interesting character joins the mix, and someone's life may be in danger...

  • An Office Occurrence: Part One

    An Office Occurrence: Part One

    This is the first part of our one shot while we wait for Campaign 2 to release! DMing for the first time in this one shot is none other than Cadence AKA Norma from Campaign 1! The premise for this one shot and all the wacky shenanigans, NPCs, and monsters are so weird I doubt anyone could imagine what this one shot holds. A dating sim? The lion, the milk fairy, and the refrigerator? A series of escape room-like clues and puzzles? It could be all of these things and more. Just give us a quick listen, we promise it's worth it! In this one shot, our adventurers Magi, Kerori, and Jon gather and find themselves in a boring office. How did they get here? How do they escape? Find out now!

  • Season 1

  • Episode 16: A Short but Sweet Ending

    Episode 16: A Short but Sweet Ending

    This journey for our adventurers comes to a swift close. We KNOW, weird spot to end a campaign, right? As our first DnD campaign, let's call this practice or scrimmage. Sooo we PROMISE the next campaign will be even MORE AWESOMER AMAZING AUTHENTIC eh.... what other adjectives start with A? ANYWAYS, stick around for a new season of fun because we have SO MUCH ready for you all.

  • Episode 15: Eldon Finally Leaves

    Episode 15: Eldon Finally Leaves

    Poor Eldon just wanted to help, but we try to leave him immediately after arriving at Dawngleam. We try to stay the night at a stranger's house but eventually settle for a stupid ol' tavern I guess...