The Murrinhpatha language: A window on country and community

The Secret Life of Language by School of Languages and Linguistics - The University of Melbourne

Episode notes
While many Australian indigenous languages are running out of speakers, the Murrinhpatha language is not only being actively passed on to subsequent generations, but is also gaining new speakers. Linguists Dr Barb Kelly and Dr John Mansfield take us on a journey into the society and culture of Murrinhpatha people through their language. Presented by Charlotte Mackay and Peter Hurst. A podcast from the University of Melbourne's School of Languages and Linguistics. Produced by Kelvin Param and Eric van Bemmel of Profactual, Gavin Nebauer, Charlotte Mackay and Peter Hurst. Music by Mark Kurungaiyi and Kevin Mollingin, and recorded and mixed by Realtone. NGEPAN: Mark and Kevin (Wadeye) Be croc wise