The Pursuit Of Impact100 Global - Wendy H Steele

The Pursuit Of... by Ryan Buck & Mark L. Wilson

Episode notes

This interview with Wendy H. Steele delves into her journey as the founder of Impact100 Global, an organization designed to pool the resources of at least 100 women to fund high-impact grants for local nonprofits. Steele shares the inspiring story of how Impact100 began, starting with a successful initial launch that secured 123 members, exceeding their goal and enabling them to fund a significant grant for a medical and dental clinic. Her vision was to expand Impact100 to 500 members, allowing for more substantial funding across multiple focus areas. This collective approach to philanthropy quickly demonstrated its effectiveness, showcasing the power of women coming together to make a difference.

Steele also discusses her motivation for writing a book about her experiences with Impact100. Encouraged by repeated requests and inspired by exa ... 

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