Tales from XaevalonExplicit

by Tales from Xaevalon

Tales from Xaevalon contains three separate stories, "The Knights of Xaevalon." "The History of Xaevalon." and "Stories of Xaevalon."

Step into the wondrous realm of Xaevalon, where mythical beings and magical creatures coexist in a world of enchantment and wonder. From humans to knights, elves to dwarves, and orcs to barbarians, Xaevalon is a diverse land filled with fascinating characters and legends.

However,  ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Tale Number Five

    Tale Number Five

    Time StampsKnights of Xaevalon 1:26 History of Xaevalon 9:52 Stories of Xaevalon 18:24 Today we present to you the following stories:Knights of Xaevalon - The Great Dragon War Beings - Hear how Sir Regnalde came to kill Ezcria the Decayed, and thus beginning the Great Dragon War that changed the shape of Xaevalon forever. History of Xaevalon - The Djinn's Pyramid - Learn what the Djinns are, how to obtain their lamp, what their pyramids are like, and the high risk - high reward they offer. Stories of Xaevalon - The Frost Troll's Cave (Kriger the Mighty Barbarian). When we last left Kriger he was knocked out by a Druagr. Now he finds himself prisoned in a Frost Troll's Cave. Thank you for listening!

  • Tale Number Four


    Tale Number Four


    Time StampsKnights of Xaevalon 1:23 History of Xaevalon 10:38 Stories of Xaevalon 19:54 Today we present to you the following stories:Knights of Xaevalon - How Sir Reginalde Decided to Kill Ezcria the Decayed. Hear how an attack on Knaerwood Castle by the Giant Bats lead Sir Reginalde to realize that evil needed to be eradicated before they could kill. History of Xaevalon - The Rise and Fall of the Goblins. Learn how the goblins were created, and how they nearly slaughtered and ensalved all humans and elves. All before they themselves were slaughtered by the Knights of Odre Sacre. Stories of Xaevalon - How Rhouzhul the Soul Eater got the Cursed Armor. Hear how one man's devious plan to trick a woman into marrying him led to an evil necromancer finding the Cursed Armor of the first goblin, Ezlakt. Thank you for listening!

  • Tale Number Three

    Tale Number Three

    Time Stamps Knights of Xaevalon 1:27 History of Xaevalon 12:30 Stories of Xaevalon 22:27 Today we present to you the following stories. Knights of Xaevalon - A History of the Dragons and Sir Reginalde's Tragic Birth, Sir Reginalde recalls the history of dragons and mankind, along with his tragic birth. History of Xaevalon - The History of the Creation of Xaevalon. Listen how Xaevalon was created, and the war between the Elementals, Gods, and Titans. Stories fo Xaevlon - Kriger the Mighty Barbarian. A favorite tale of mine. Hear the begining of one of Xaevalon's strongest and bravest barbarians, Kriger.

  • Tale Number Two


    Tale Number Two


    Timestamps Knights of Xaevalon 1:23 History of Xaevalon 11:26 Stories of Xaevalon 23:16. This episode of Tales from Xaevalon contains the following stories: Knights of Xaevalon - The Dead Tree Sisters. Sir Reginalde the Dragon Slayer enters the Ghost Maple Forest to investigate missing kids from nearby White Pine and Felwood Villages. His investigation will soon bring him face-to-face with the wicked Dead Tree Sisters, and their plot to destroy Xaevalon. History of Xaevalon - The History of Detulah the Forever Maiden. Hear the tragic history of how one barbarian's lust, anger, and jeaoulsy caused a tribe of barbarians to be wiped off the face of Xaevalon, and the consequences that came upon Detulah when she sought revenge with the help of the necromancer, Yiodhur the Accursed. Stories of Xaevalon - The Bard who Brought Death. A man is convinced that a new bard is secretly an assassin who works for a necromancer. His obessions in proving that the bard is not who he says he is, will prove to have dire consequences for him.

  • Tale Number One

    Tale Number One

    Time stamps: Knights of Xaevalon 1:23. History of Xaevalon 11:34. Stories of Xaevalon 20:19. Tale number one contains the following stories. From the Knights of Xaevalon, we hear how Sir Reginalde the Dragonslayer found himself on a rowboat in the middle of the deadly Dread Sea. From the History of Xaevalon, we learn about the History of Emerald Rot, a terrible disease that infected hundreds of people living in the city of Rats Squalor. We learn how emerald rot became to be, and what the King did to stop its spread.From Stories of Xaevalon, we learn about a young mother who to pay off her late husband's debt, began working in a brothel. We hear about her son, who wanted nothing more than to become a knight, and the tragedy that befell him.If you are interested in collaboration or contributing to Tales from Xaevalon, email us: contact@misfitkidpublishing.com