Christian Nationalism

Sound in Faith by Sound in Faith

Episode notes


  1. What is Christian Nationalism (CN)? What is it NOT?
  2. What is its present appeal? Are there cultural or political trends that contribute to its rising popularity?
  3. If I am a Christian who loves his country, does that make me a CN?
  4. Shouldn't we desire for our nation to be a "Christian nation"?
  5. Is cultural Christianity a bad thing?
  6. What other cautions or dangers that you would suggest regarding the CN movement?
  7. Should the American church (and American Christians) be patriotic and in what settings and expressions would patriotism be appropriate or inappropriate?
  8. How do we live as dual citizens (Citizens of Heaven and Citizens of Earth)?

Listener Questions:

· Is Rev 3:5 insinuating there being a possibility of Go ... 

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churchculturepoliticsgospelgovernmentchristianityChristGodneighborsAmericachristian nationalism