Second City Sermons

by Second City Church

Welcome! Here you will find the weekly sermons of Second City Church in Harrisburg, PA. We hope these sermons will help you worship God and celebrate the good news of Jesus.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • Trusting God in Honest Lament

    Trusting God in Honest Lament

    How do we trust God in the midst of life’s challenges? The book of Job tells us our hope is ultimately anchored in God showing up and not in figuring out what God is doing or even in answers to our prayers. We maintain and even grow in trust as we wholeheartedly communicate our pain and suffering through lament and affirm our trust in knowing the love of Christ.

  • Ahab & Micaiah

    Ahab & Micaiah

    In 1 Kings 22, the prophet Micaiah stands alone against King Ahab and 400 of his false prophets. Though pressured to speak favorably of the king, Micaiah insists on being faithful to the word of the Lord, causing him to be thrown into prison. Micaiah presents a picture of faithful service to God and his word. Micaiah's brave stand against certain consequence foreshadows the very life of Jesus.

  • The Kingdom of God is His

    The Kingdom of God is His

    Matthew 20:1-16 "The Kingdom of God is His" is a short parable where Jesus teaches His disciples and us that God is in full control of His creation, so that all who are His, the workers in the vineyard, regardless of one's time and level of involvement, all receive the fullness of His love and fellowship unto eternal life. All God has to offer is complete and full in Jesus Christ and comes to His beloved people only by His gracious act of love, not by any work that one of His creatures could attempt.

  • With God All Things All Are Possible!

    With God All Things All Are Possible!

    Jesus interacts with a rich young man seeking to know what he must do to get eternal life. The man's pretense is that he has done many good things but still thinks he has something else he needs to do. Jesus shows the man his own heart, in that he is more focused on himself and his many possessions than on God. The seemingly very capable man turns away causing Jesus' disciples to question whether anyone can get eternal life. Jesus makes it clear that it is impossible for a man or woman to get eternal life, but it is possible with God. Eternal life, peace with God is a gift that is given by God, as He sees fit, to those of His own choosing.

  • All the Treasure In Israel

    All the Treasure In Israel

    Are we in the habit of praying to the Lord and recognizing his answers to our prayers? It was an amazing time in the history of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Hezekiah was a good king. Isaiah was prophesying – one of the best kings ever – one of the greatest prophets ever. There was also one of the worst adversaries ever - the Assyrian Empire. In those days this Hezekiah became proud. In those days this Hezekiah became very sick and was at the point of death. Hezekiah prayed to the Lord and he answered his prayer and gave Hezekiah restoration of health. Hezekiah asked for a sign that this would happen and the Lord caused the shadow to return ten steps on the stairs his father Ahaz had built. This was a global event as the princes of Babylon sent envoys to inquire about it. Hezekiah misslead them about the true treasure of Israel. He showed them all of his wealth! He did not point them towards Isaiah the prophet or toward the proper worship of the Living God in the temple. Is our hope the same as the hope of everyone else in the world? Or are we living in such a way that others can see that our hope is in the Lord.