74 - Budgeting in 2024 - Our tips for financial success

Māori Millionaire Podcast by Te Kahukura Boynton

Episode notes

Welcome back to a new podcast episode! Today's episode is all about budgeting and how you can manage your money better.

The link to sign up for Goldie is here

Christina is my Social Media Manager, but she's also at the start of her personal finance journey and so I wanted to bring her in to ask me questions about budgeting. Let us know if you have any questions/feedback :)

If you have any questions you want to hear my answers on, please DM or email me your questions! tekahukura@maorimillionaire.com

Remember to rate the podcast 5 stars, and tag me on y ... 

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maorifinancebusinessmaori millionairesavings2024budgeting