#68 - Why your kids' outbursts might just mean you're creating a safe, vulnerable home

Kylie Says - It's About to Get Real by Kylie Mojaddidi

Episode notes

Welcome to Season 3 episode 2!

In today's episode, Kylie is digging into the idea that toddler outbursts might actually be a good thing and indicate progression for your little ones. As all toddler parents know, outbursts of any kind can be incredibly overwhelming, especially when you're already feeling overstimulated, stressed, exhausted, and more.

But, something Kylie saw on social media changed her perspective a bit. This doesn't mean that there's no discipline in the home, but, it does shed a light on a new perspective in dealing with toddler outbursts that may prove helpful the next time your little one chooses to show you an attitude - and be a great teaching moment.

Here's to being our best selves in 2025, and helping our littles to do the same!
