Ep. 47 - Teton Pass destroyed! INL's 75th! Father's Day! Utah mattress mishap!

IFAF - Idaho Falls Podcast by Mike Nelson, Karley Morgan

Episode notes

Well wishes to other local podcasts from media companies, Ohio City Council President Jason King nom nom nom nom, Japanese penis festival Kanamara Matsuri, camping and peeing outdoors, more rainbow connections like Mario Kart and Skittles and Lisa Frank, our exclusive I Heart IF Rainbow pride month T-shirts, magenta is a color that doesn't exist, Dr Pepper surpasses Pepsi as second most popular soda, The Boys season 4 on Amazon Prime, distracted boyfriend meme with Jack Black, Father's Day is this Sunday June 16th, Karley's dad has everything and she doesn't know what to get him, the tale of Mike's two dads, Mike being a father and his son's wedding tomorrow, VMI the Virginia Military Institute, Sunday brunch at The SnakeBite Restaurant and McDonald's Grandma McFlurries for dessert, seagulls, two new Asian restaurants coming to Ammon, the Idaho F ... 

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idaho fallsidaho falls idahoidahoidahomeifafifafpod208inlcity of idaho fallsVirgin River Land and Cattle CompanyidaAmmonwater towerYellowstonethe boysDeadpool 3snakebitegrandma mcflurryMcDonald'smike helps idahosell my homereal estateutahroygbivlgbtqiateton passKanamara MatsuriI Heart IFmagentaDr PepperJack BlackFather's DayEminemprovo