Adriènne Kelbie, Leadership Coach & Board Advisor - 'Your Comfort Zone Is Not Your Friend'
The Wellbeing Hour with Adriènne Kelbie - Leadership Coach, Former Head of Office for Nuclear Regulation & First Patron of Women in Nuclear UK "Your Comfort Zone Is Not Your Friend" Adrienne’s mantra ‘Your Comfort Zone Is Not Your Friend’ drives her constantly to try new things and to help others overcome their barriers so they can be their biggest, best, boldest selves. Now an executive coach, board advisor and consultant, Adrienne’s thriving career to date, has seen her go from agency temp to chief executive and beyond. She’s led the transformation of a local authority, established and modernised the Disclosure & Barring Service and most recently she’s transformed the Office for Nuclear Regulation into a multiple-award winning organisation. As Patron of Women in Nuclear UK, Adrienne has spoken worldwide inspiring the sector to improve its recruitment, retention and promotion of women. It is in recognition of her impact on inclusion, and the nuclear sector, she was awarded her CBE. Join us with Adriènne Kelbie for what promises to be a free, open and honest hour. #wellbeinghour #workplacementalhealth #workplacewellbeing #mentalhealthintheworkplace #podcast