The Power of God’s Grace - A Promise

Ekklesia United by Anthony D Richardson

Episode notes

What a mighty God we serve...A God who loves us and who is faithful who promised [Hebrews 10:23]. Join us in this podcast installment as God instructs our hearts and minds to prepare us for what He is about to do in our lives. You (and I) need to know that God is about to take us to a place (in our natural lives) that is full and rich, never to be entangled again with the yoke of bondage [Galatians 5:1]. But, before He takes us into this place that flows with milk and honey [Deuteronomy 11:9], He wants us to understand how we should conduct ourselves and remain humble in the midst of all He's doing for us. This is a MAGNIFICENT read through some critical scriptures found in Deuteronomy chapters 8 through 11. Please take the time to read, read, and re-read these scriptures with a very slow and methodical pace. As you read slowly, you'll see the co ... 

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