• XRAtlas
  • XR Streaming: The future of ARVR ...
Note sull'episodio

This episode of the podcast delves into the world of Extended Reality (XR) streaming, discussing its potential benefits and applications, as well as its future prospects. The conversation would also cover the impact of XR streaming on different industries and key considerations for companies looking to implement it. Listeners stand to gain a better understanding of XR streaming, its current state, and its potential future impact on various industries and society as a whole, as well as some exciting current and upcoming developments in the field.

On this episode, I was joined by Roman Emig an advocate of ARVR and a tech-savvy visionary who is passionate about the endless possibilities of science and technology. He is always on the lookout for new ways to push the bo ... 

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xrmetaversevirtual realityxratlasxrstreaming