Note sull'episodio

Do you have a data monetization strategy in place?

What are Data Monetization Challenges?

Does your data lead to a quantifiable economic benefit?

In fact, wouldn't you love to know, explore, and discover more about data monetization and how you can actually monetize data?

This highly informative and thought-provoking webinar with Bill Schmarzo will help answer all like what is data monetization and how to create a data monetization strategy for maximum effect.

This webinar is ideal for data-informed and data-driven businesses of all types and sizes. You wouldn't want to miss this amazing webinar with the greatest data influencers of our time!

Who is Bill Schmarzo?

Bill is currently part of Dell Technology’s core data management leadership team, where he is responsible for spearheading customer co-creation ... 

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Parole chiave
data monetization strategy