Note sull'episodio
Lean in as we learn from the life of Ahijah the prophet. Emma Stark, Louise Reid and Nigel Reid bring a heart-felt, thoughtful reflection on 1 Kings 14 as they discuss the cost of a life laid down for God, why we all need to practice blind prophecy and how to both bring and receive difficult words from the Lord.
Learn to identify and kick out demonic influences affecting your life and reclaim your spiritual authority with Emma Stark’s powerful Demonbusting 2 ecourse. Visit to become equipped to fight spiritual battles with confidence and Biblical wisdom. It’s time to step into spiritual authority!
We’re building a home for our growing move ...
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ChristianProphetChristianityprophecyscriptureHoly Spiritrevelationseeing in the SpiritEmma StarkChristian LeaderBible teaching