Confronting A Dog Meat Farmer. With Molly Elwood | Ep. 44

The Vegan Report di Rayane Laddi

Note sull'episodio

"Set the table with man's best meat.

Elwood's Organic Dog Meat has been family-owned and operated for over two generations. We're dedicated to offering our friends and neighbors the best, sustainably raised dog meat available. Unlike some farms, our pups never receive antibiotics and spend little time cooped up. They have access to green pastures during the summer months and are fed only organic, soy-free feed."

Read more about Elwood's Organic Dog Meat:

Angry vegan attacks Elwood’s table at college Farmer’s Market: ... 

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veganveganismanimal rightsanimal welfarevegan foodfarmingfarmactivismmeatcheesevegan restaurantanimal liberationdoganimal sanctuaryanimalcattlefarmermilkcollegedog lover