E12: Melbourne Accountant Goes From $100K/Year Salary To $5M/Year In Profit With E-commece

Unemployable di Adam Hudson, Eric Machado, James Denham & Mark Di Paola

Note sull'episodio

Imagine being a corporate accountant running through spreadsheet after spreadsheet, when your partner comes up to you with an idea of selling stuff online, what would you do? In today's podcast we have Andrew Hermes, an E-commerce founder who has built a 15 Million dollar empire, an empire he started by selling random products on eBay. Andrew shares his story, his ups and downs, how he generates 15M/year with only 8 employees and how he was able to make his transition from an accountant to an extremely profitable e-commerce founder. In this episode we also look into SORA, a new product from OpenAI, that is creating text to video. We discuss the potential implications for stock footage, and dive deep into the opportunities SORA presents for Australian entrepreneurs, to create businesses out of this AI revolution.

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unemployable mediawealthentrepreneurshipinvestinglearngrowthriveamazonfbasellingonamazonunemployablepodcastartificial intelligence