S3 E 3 Lamar and Kerry on Lehi, Nephi, and Covenant (the right version) (week of Jan. 8, 1st episode)

The Scriptures Are Real di Kerry Muhlestein

Note sull'episodio

Kerry discusses a new website with great content. Join it at https://www.patreon.com/EnlightenEdgeEDU/posts

Kerry and Lamar discuss the layout of the Book of Mormon, some of the most important principles that guided Lehi and Nephi, and then explore the establishment of the covenant with Nephi, and compare that to the covenant made with Israel.

Kerry references an article that is found at https://journal.interpreterfoundation.org/prospering-in-the-land-a-comparison-of-covenant-promises-in-leviticus-and-first-nephi-2/

The book mentioned called “Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem” is now  ... 

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