Testifying and Enduring to the End, Jason Combs on Paul and the end of Acts (week of July 31, only episode)

The Scriptures Are Real di Kerry Muhlestein

Note sull'episodio
In this episode Kerry and Jason discuss the power of Paul's testimony. They explore why many Jews sought to kill him, the parts of his testimony that they were able to receive and what they could not, and what that has to do with us and how we can apply it in our lives. They explore how his accounts of seeing Christ differ and what we can learn from that and how it parallels Joseph Smith's accounts of seeing Christ. They also discuss the effect this testimony has on Agrippa and Festus. They then explore what happens to Paul in his journey to Rome and what he does in Rome. They draw powerful lessons from the way Paul testifies and endures there, and how that should affect us. They also probe into the way Luke ends the book of Acts and why he may have done so and what that should mean to us.We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for BJ Muhle ...   ...  Leggi dettagli
Parole chiave
testifyacts of the apostles