#9 Analyzing Times Series Data for Humanitarian Response

Training_Data di CosmiQ Works

Note sull'episodio

Dylan George from In-Q-Tel's (IQT) B.Next joins CosmiQ Works' Jake Shermeyer and Ryan Lewis to discuss how a time series of satellite imagery can be used in humanitarian response scenarios. A time series of satellite images can play a major role in these scenarios and assist practitioners in identifying areas that experience a change in population, the loss of electrical power, and/or rapid changes in land-cover. The podcast addresses two main questions: (1) How can practitioners quickly analyze these time series with open source software tools, such as CosmiQ’s CometTS tool suite; and (2) How can those tools be used to support a humanitarian response effort? 

Learn how CosmiQ tackled these questions with their CometTS tool suite through the study of satellite imagery of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.

Parole chiave
geospatial analyticssatellite imageryCosmiQ Worksremote sensingbiological threats defenseinfectious disease outbreakforecasting modeldisaster response