Toys on TapEsplicito

di Toys on Tap

A podcast that interviews artists that make toys in the professional, independent, bootleg, and designer toy scenes!

Episodi del podcast

  • Ep. 216 Toys on Tap w/ Angry Hedgehog Toys

    Ep. 216 Toys on Tap w/ Angry Hedgehog Toys

    We got to interview an incredible artist across the pond! Sam of Angry Hedgehog Toys walks us through his journey in making toys, both the highs and the lows. You won't want to miss this episode! Plus this week we bring back the Nitty Gritty on the Patreon! On instagram @angryhedgehogtoys Commercials brought to you by Chicken Burger Disco On instagram @chickenburgerdisco Sponsors: Empire Blisters Are you looking for blisters? Look no further than Empire Blisters! For all of your blister needs, they've got you covered. With over 19 different types of blisters and bundle deals you can't go wrong! Use code: TOYSONTAP10 to get 10% off. If you are apart of the Patreon you are able to get 20% off! If you want to become a sponsor of Toys on Tap Podcast send an email to Patreon: To support the show you can join the Toys on Tap Patreon. Go to Thank you to our supporters: DKE Toys @dketoys Eric Nichols @massiveminihorse Dimension X Toys @dimensionxtoys Bootleg Toy Co @bootlegtoyco Pocket Salsa @pocket_salsa Dirty Yetti @dirtyyetti Dan Overdorff @dan_overdorff_art Zimot Co @zimotco Barbarian Rage @Barbarian_rage Manny Cartoon Studios @Mannycartoonstudios Pickmans Vinyls @pickmansvinyls Shaun C Downey Brandon Barker @manormonster Richie Manic @richiemanic Recollection Toys @recollectiontoys Rubber City Toys @rubbercitytoys Rate and Review: The best way to support the podcast is to rate and review

  • Ep. 215 Toys on Tap w/ Yucko Toys: Creator of Toys on Tap

    Ep. 215 Toys on Tap w/ Yucko Toys: Creator of Toys on Tap

    It's time to celebrate! Toys on Tap turns 4 years old! After being harassed to switch places on the pod, we thought this would be the best opportunity! Come hang out with me and my best friend as we talk toys and dive into my history! On instagram @yuckotoys Commercials brought to you by Chicken Burger Disco On instagram @chickenburgerdisco Sponsors: Empire Blisters Are you looking for blisters? Look no further than Empire Blisters! For all of your blister needs, they've got you covered. With over 19 different types of blisters and bundle deals you can't go wrong! Use code: TOYSONTAP10 to get 10% off. If you are apart of the Patreon you are able to get 20% off! If you want to become a sponsor of Toys on Tap Podcast send an email to Patreon: To support the show you can join the Toys on Tap Patreon. Go to Thank you to our supporters: DKE Toys @dketoys Eric Nichols @massiveminihorse Dimension X Toys @dimensionxtoys Bootleg Toy Co @bootlegtoyco Pocket Salsa @pocket_salsa Dirty Yetti @dirtyyetti Dan Overdorff @dan_overdorff_art Zimot Co @zimotco Barbarian Rage @Barbarian_rage Manny Cartoon Studios @Mannycartoonstudios Pickmans Vinyls @pickmansvinyls Shaun C Downey Brandon Barker @manormonster Richie Manic @richiemanic Recollection Toys @recollectiontoys Rubber City Toys @rubbercitytoys Rate and Review: The best way to support the podcast is to rate and review

  • Ep. 214 Toys on Tap w/ Crax Toys

    Ep. 214 Toys on Tap w/ Crax Toys

    Coming out of nowhere and bursting on to the toy scene with not one but two designer toy sellouts is an unbelievable feet! Well Crax Toy did it! If you haven't heard of Crax Toy you are going to want to tune in because on top of spilling all his history, there are also some major leaks for the future! On instagram @craxtoys Commercials brought to you by Chicken Burger Disco On instagram @chickenburgerdisco Sponsors: Empire Blisters Are you looking for blisters? Look no further than Empire Blisters! For all of your blister needs, they've got you covered. With over 19 different types of blisters and bundle deals you can't go wrong! Use code: TOYSONTAP10 to get 10% off. If you are apart of the Patreon you are able to get 20% off! If you want to become a sponsor of Toys on Tap Podcast send an email to Patreon: To support the show you can join the Toys on Tap Patreon. Go to Thank you to our supporters: DKE Toys @dketoys Eric Nichols @massiveminihorse Dimension X Toys @dimensionxtoys Bootleg Toy Co @bootlegtoyco Pocket Salsa @pocket_salsa Dirty Yetti @dirtyyetti Dan Overdorff @dan_overdorff_art Zimot Co @zimotco Barbarian Rage @Barbarian_rage Manny Cartoon Studios @Mannycartoonstudios Pickmans Vinyls @pickmansvinyls Shaun C Downey Brandon Barker @manormonster Richie Manic @richiemanic Recollection Toys @recollectiontoys Rubber City Toys @rubbercitytoys Rate and Review: The best way to support the podcast is to rate and review

  • Ep. 213 Toys on Tap w/ Ryan Rutherford

    Ep. 213 Toys on Tap w/ Ryan Rutherford

    If you were around target during Halloween 2024 you saw the crazy fun skull Ice Cream design! This week we talk all about his journey and how he got to the point where Target sold his design! Listen up turds! This is a great week! On instagram @bryanbrutherford Commercials brought to you by Chicken Burger Disco On instagram @chickenburgerdisco Sponsors: Empire Blisters Are you looking for blisters? Look no further than Empire Blisters! For all of your blister needs, they've got you covered. With over 19 different types of blisters and bundle deals you can't go wrong! Use code: TOYSONTAP10 to get 10% off. If you are apart of the Patreon you are able to get 20% off! If you want to become a sponsor of Toys on Tap Podcast send an email to Patreon: To support the show you can join the Toys on Tap Patreon. Go to Thank you to our supporters: DKE Toys @dketoys Eric Nichols @massiveminihorse Dimension X Toys @dimensionxtoys Bootleg Toy Co @bootlegtoyco Pocket Salsa @pocket_salsa Dirty Yetti @dirtyyetti Dan Overdorff @dan_overdorff_art Zimot Co @zimotco Barbarian Rage @Barbarian_rage Manny Cartoon Studios @Mannycartoonstudios Pickmans Vinyls @pickmansvinyls Shaun C Downey Brandon Barker @manormonster Richie Manic @richiemanic Recollection Toys @recollectiontoys Rubber City Toys @rubbercitytoys Rate and Review: The best way to support the podcast is to rate and review

  • Ep. 212 Toys on Tap w/ Ron English Part 2: Billboard Liberation


    Ep. 212 Toys on Tap w/ Ron English Part 2: Billboard Liberation


    This week we take on Part 2 of the incredible saga with Ron English! We look at the Billboard Liberation years of his life. This looks a the scary parts of actually putting the billboard covers on and potentially getting arrested! You also get to hear a little about his political views in light of our current cultural climate in the United States. Listen up this week! On instagram @ronenglish Commercials brought to you by Chicken Burger Disco On instagram @chickenburgerdisco Sponsors: Empire Blisters Are you looking for blisters? Look no further than Empire Blisters! For all of your blister needs, they've got you covered. With over 19 different types of blisters and bundle deals you can't go wrong! Use code: TOYSONTAP10 to get 10% off. If you are apart of the Patreon you are able to get 20% off! If you want to become a sponsor of Toys on Tap Podcast send an email to Patreon: To support the show you can join the Toys on Tap Patreon. Go to Thank you to our supporters: DKE Toys @dketoys Eric Nichols @massiveminihorse Dimension X Toys @dimensionxtoys Bootleg Toy Co @bootlegtoyco Pocket Salsa @pocket_salsa Dirty Yetti @dirtyyetti Dan Overdorff @dan_overdorff_art Zimot Co @zimotco Barbarian Rage @Barbarian_rage Manny Cartoon Studios @Mannycartoonstudios Pickmans Vinyls @pickmansvinyls Shaun C Downey Brandon Barker @manormonster Richie Manic @richiemanic Recollection Toys @recollectiontoys Rubber City Toys @rubbercitytoys Rate and Review: The best way to support the podcast is to rate and review