Ep. 81 Twitter Cancels Daily Wire, Trump Attacks DeSantis, Blizzard has two faced Pride strategy,

The Topping Show di Topping

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Today on The Topping Show Twitter Cancels Daily wire, Trump attacks DeSantis, Amazon Alexa recorded kids, buy buy baby may be saved, SentinelOne stock crashes while dell stock rises, Blizzard has a two faced pride strategy, Walmart has pride merch but also bibles, Auto regulators want auto braking and ford recalls 140k SUVs all that and much more on the Topping Show.The Topping Show is sponsored by Topping Technologies & ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy https://www.xvuslink.com/?a_fid=toppi... also if your business needs IT assistance you can reach Topping Technologies at sales@toppingtechnologies.comFollow Topping on Twitter-  ...  Leggi dettagli