Rise of the Rest: the Thesis Driving Steve Case

Thesis Driven Leader Series di Brad Hargreaves, Editor at Thesis Driven

Note sull'episodio

Steve Case has spent the past 40 years at the intersection of technology, cities, and innovation. He was one of the leaders of the internet revolution as the founder and chairman of AOL. Since then, he’s dedicated himself to investment in entrepreneurs and innovation as the founder of the venture firm Revolution.

Along the way, Case developed a thesis for investment and economic growth that’s a little different than that of most venture investors: a belief in the emergence of places beyond traditional tech hubs–cities that haven’t traditionally been the focus on venture investment but have tremendous potential.

Through Revolutions’ seed and growth funds, Case and his team have made “The Rise of the Rest” their guiding philosophy. They look for companies where place matters, and they like to invest in “Rise of the Rest” cities that a ... 

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real estateproptechbrad hargreavesthesis drivenstartupsventure capitalreal estate investingreal estate developmentsteve caserealbrad innovation