
Episode 27 - Asstrophysics

The Important Questions di Dave Skiles

Note sull'episodio
Happy Tuesday to everyone reading and listening. Dave is away at a client meeting today and wishes you to wish him well. But even if he crashes and burns and reveals he's an imposter that knows nothing about the field he works in, he has you all - the adoring fans. Here's what we got this week.
  1. Warm Up: What's the best thing to do with $20 you've found on the ground?
  2. Would you clone yourself?
  3. What is something that is perfect and cannot be improved?
  4. Midshow: They Did The Math - Farting to the Moon
  5. Do you have any irrational fears?
  6. What are/were some quick hobbies that you've gone down a rabbit hole for?
  • Ask us your own important questions or comment on our shows. We have a Google Voice line that is good for voicemails and texts. Contact us at
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Parole chiave
20 dollarsclonecloningperfectionmoonirrational fearshobbiesobsessionsfartmath