10 Questions With... Leading Infinity Expert, Joel David Hamkins (New Series, Ep 1)

The Human Podcast di The Human Podcast

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WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/MvfXFpJX2ps

Welcome to a new series where I ask fascinating people 10 intriguing questions.

The first episode is with Professor Joel David Hamkins, a Mathematician/Philosopher and leading expert on infinity. Joel is the O'Hara Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at the University of Notre Dame.

Subscribe for new episodes every week! (Episode 2 is with a World Memory champion.)


0:00 - Intro

0:07 - Qu 1: What is infinity?

0:29 - Qu 2: Does infinity exist?

1:35 - Qu 3: Next most interesting thing after infinity?

2:21 - Qu 4: Which mathematician or philosopher would you invite to dinner ... 

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