Hydration + Hustle: Why Lauro is For Every Day Life!

The Balanced Beautiful Body di Alex Hushek

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This week's guest is a dynamite boss babe! Want to hear about a start up that is truly going to be on Shark Tank one day soon? Lauren Robsons's simple desire to keep her family properly hydrated in a healthy way has lead to a brand of sparkling prickly pear cactus water that is changing the beverage industry! Bringing nature’s best ingredients to you and your family, is exactly what is drink delivers.

While looking for something more exciting than water but without the extra sugar and additives of juice or soda, she stumbled upon the benefits of prickly pear cactus. Made from all natural, simple ingredients and low in sugar but big on flavor, Lauren’s sparkling cactus water was an instant hit with both kids and adults.

Today Lauro Sparkling Cactus Water’s great taste, signature pink color and plant-based ingredients make it a beverag ... 

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