Isaac Madsen: Antidote to Anecdote - Statistics As Crucial to the Mission of Tertiary Christian Education

The George Buchanan Forum di The George Buchanan Forum

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The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted an issue in tertiary Christian education. Many Christians are deficient in their understanding of statistics. Whereas a lack of understanding in specialized fields (e.g. soil science) results in an excusable knowledge gap, an inadequate understanding of statistics bars access to a great deal of knowledge which relies on data. Data is used to make inferences in the sciences and inform decisions in government and business. The means by which data is interpreted to usable information are statistical methods. In this way, statistics is not a string of disconnected numbers, but rather a set of techniques that when appropriately applied allows for a more accurate understanding of our world. It is not necessary for all Christians to understand the process by which data becomes information, but for those who wish to make cl ...   ...  Leggi dettagli