Caring For Yourself When You're the One Who Remains: A Message for Stayers in Times of Change & Transition

Successful Student Transitions - A Time to Thrive di Louise Wiles and Elizabeth Gillies

Note sull'episodio

In this episode the focus is on “the stayers”. At times of change, there will be some people leaving to go to a new place - a school, university or a new country. Time and effort is rightly focused on creating a good goodbye for the leavers.

And there will be people staying put who will be experiencing change as people around them leave.

They also have to learn to adjust to this change, something not of their making.

We likely have all have felt what it is like to be a leaver and a stayer at some point. As a stayer, were the changes and your responses ever acknowledged? It can be hard to be a stayer.

In relation to the university transition, students on a gap year and parents are examples of stayers.

Listen as Louise and Elizabeth discuss:

  • Who are ... 
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Parole chiave
changetransitionuniversitymeaningfriendshipseducatorswellbeingempty neststayers