5 Tips on How Committees Should Handle Complaints or Disruptors (S3: Episode 3)

Strata Life di Rochelle Castro of RC & CO LAWYERS

Note sull'episodio

One of the things that's difficult with running a committee is when you're trying to make decisions and move forward. But in reality, because of the different personalities, there are disruptors and there will be clashes that could occur. But I would like to share with you in this podcast five tips on how to handle complaints and disruptor.

One, put the procedure in place. Create a flowchart or even put in a policy in place to make sure that it is a list of the requirements and step-by-step procedure that you and your committee could follow. You won't get lost. It's like having a guidance and a follow-through on what to take. That way, no matter how surprise you get with what comes in, that has to be decided by the committee in respect of complaints or even disruptors, you can always go back to that flowchart or procedure that you would fo ... 

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