Episodi del podcast

  • Podcast Update

    Podcast Update

    Something went wrong with this podcast which caused it to get split up on Spotify, and a lot of people haven't found out there is a new one. To find it just search Storytime on Spotify and you should be able to find it with a slightly different logo and a description that says "*New Podcast*"

  • Stagione 1

  • r/idontworkherelady | My Manager reveals Illegal Hiring Process by Accident

    r/idontworkherelady | My Manager reveals Illegal Hiring Process by Accident

    r idontworkherelady where Manager reveals illegal hiring practices when mistaking me for applicant. Most useless self-service cashier ever... I NEED A CHICKEN!

  • r/maliciouscompliance | I need to WORK where I'm scheduled to WORK...

    r/maliciouscompliance | I need to WORK where I'm scheduled to WORK...

    r maliciouscompliance where Just work where you’re scheduled to work. That’s it.” say less boss. Parent gets exactly what she wanted. Don't talk to me unless it makes sense! » OK. Follow the cheer instructions. Bus Driver hates sodas

  • r/MaliciousCompliance | Help you CHEAT on your WIFE? okay... - rSlash Storytime

    r/MaliciousCompliance | Help you CHEAT on your WIFE? okay... - rSlash Storytime

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r maliciouscompliance where Those aren't the drinks you think they are, kid Help the boss hide evidence of his affair? Sure! Customer complains their Long Island isnt strong enough, proceed to make one less strong for them. Don't interrupt for any reason? Okay . . .

  • r/prorevenge | Don't return my Tools? I'll make you LOSE your BUSINESS!

    r/prorevenge | Don't return my Tools? I'll make you LOSE your BUSINESS!

    r prorevenge where Don’t want to return my tools or pay me? Enjoy losing your business Roommates don’t respect my boundaries, I get them evicted in less than a day. Don't scam a Bot Developer. Fake a Broken Arm? I'll Get You Dead-Lined.