Leonce and Lena, Act One

Standby for Places di Freda Mattea, Margie Zarcone, and Graydon Gund

Note sull'episodio

Written by George Buchner. Directed and sound designed by Graydon Gund, music by Anna Stefanic, sound editing by Dee White, produced by Freda Mattea and Graydon Gund. Starring in order of appearance Montgomery Mauro as Leonce, Enrique Huili as tutor and first servant, William Burns as Valerio, Scott Corey as King Peter, Fady Kerko as second servant and curate, Kevin Sebastian as the president, prefect, and master of ceremonies, Anna Stefanic as Rosetta and the school master, Margie Zarcone as Lena, and Alexandra Kopko as the governess.

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theaterplaytheatreentertainmentstandby for placesradio theatreradioplayleonce and lena