Our Five Loves - Love God's Word And Prayer & Commit to Personal Worship

Sound in Faith di Sound in Faith

Note sull'episodio


  1. Briefly recap our Five Loves and our Gospel Culture.
  1. Why are God’s Word & Prayer connected in our second love?
  1. What do we believe about the Bible at Faith? (Inspiration, Inerrancy, Authority, Sufficiency)
  1. Many people think the Bible is outdated and irrelevant. How can we respond to that thinking?
  1. What are some ways we can really grow in our love for God’s word? (Reading, Studying, Hearing & Praying the Bible).
  1. How does how we pray and a love for prayer flow from love for God’s word?
  1. What are some struggles Christians have with prayer?
  1. How can I grow in my prayer life?
  1. Why is hav ... 
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Parole chiave
churchpreachingbiblegospelchristianityjesusprayerChristGodsufferingholinessHoly Spirit