Single Seeking SpermEsplicito

di @asinglemombychoice

Hello all!! My name is Angela and Im a single mom by choice. I started Single Seeking Sperm as a show to talk about a number of things. Of course my journey as an SMBC but also as it pertains to infertility, having a NICU baby and just over all how becoming a mother has been an absolute rollercoaster ride!!! I’ve been through a lot of serious shit, so I try to laugh as much as possible. Mostly at myself. I’m just tryna keep  ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Flying ALONE with a TODDLER (It's actual Hell)

    Flying ALONE with a TODDLER (It's actual Hell)

    After I apologize no less than 5 times for not posting for awhile I get into the craziness of the highs and lows of traveling with a toddler as a single person. Flying with a baby is CAKE.....flying cross country with a demon...I mean insane. Haha! But worth it. I give some tips and tricks!

  • Dating as a Single Mom by Choice - Kind of LOL


    Dating as a Single Mom by Choice - Kind of LOL


    Yall this episode went a little left. Haha! I definitely put the next part of my dating life in your hands and I dont know if I should be scared or excited. HAHAHA!!! Go to my Instagram to help me on my next date. @singleseekingsp3rm

  • Kai's Story - Birth through NICU - Part 2


    Kai's Story - Birth through NICU - Part 2


    Continuing Kai's story and how he got here and what went right and what went wrong.

  • Kai's Story - Pregnancy till Birth - Part 1


    Kai's Story - Pregnancy till Birth - Part 1


    TRIGGER WARNING: Traumatic Birth StoryIn todays episode I talk about Kai's birth story. This is something I don't talk about often. In fact it is a little triggering so I couldn't even write it out, I had to just go for it or I know I wouldn't ever have been able to do this. This will be a 2 part series as I want to give myself time to talk about it and process through it with y'all. This is everything leading up to and including his birth. The NICU story will be in Part 2.

  • How I Became a Single Mom by Choice


    How I Became a Single Mom by Choice


    In this episode I will go over the process that went through my head, heart and NERVES to become an SMBC. I touch on some things briefly that I will get into DEEPLY in more episodes to come. I wont leave you hanging! This is the greatest decision I've ever made and remembering it over the course of this episode was such a cool experience for me! Thank you for listening and please feel free to follow me on Instagram at @asinglemombychoice