Navigating SaaS growth between startup and scale-up with Tom Randle @Geckoboard

saas.unbound di Anna Nadeina

Note sull'episodio

saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love, brought to you by, a serial acquirer of B2B SaaS companies.

In episode #48, Anna Nadeina talks with Tom, CEO of Geckoboard, a tool for building and sharing real-time KPI dashboards.

--------------Episode's Chapters----------------

00:00 - Tom's Journey to GeckoBoard

03:51 - Challenges and Skills in Leadership

06:26 -Transition to CEO at GeckoBoard

11:48 -Navigating Product and Market Strategies

15:34 -The Role of Sales in SaaS Growth

19:00 -Pricing Strategies and Market Adaptation

22:46 - The Role of Video Content

27:25 - Scaling the ... 

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