
This Is A BLUE OCEAN Of Cash Flow: Shannon Robnett | Ep 55

Real Freedom di Ryan Weimer

Note sull'episodio

Shannon Robnett is buying the Boise Aquarium!

He's a developer, investor, syndicator, and entrepreneur with decades of experience. He shares his biggest failures and all the lessons he's learned along the way... leading up to a passion project to expand the Boise Aquarium.

In this episode we cover:

How to evaluate the numbers of a business for purchase

How failing harder and faster leads to exponential growth in skills and wealth

What fuels him beyond wealth and the best parts of entrepreneurship

How to handle market cycles (He's been through multiple!)

Why he chose to save the Boise Aquarium And MUCH MORE!

Whether you're a native to Boise, Idaho or aspiring real estate investor looking to put money to work - you'll gain years of knowledge in this one!


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